The 10 Best Dating Locations in Bangkok

The 10 best dating locations in Bangkok

Do you know the best Dating locations in Bangkok? Due to the fact that there are numerous reasons to date Thai girls you will sooner or later think about where you want to take all the beautiful girls you get to know during your stay in Bangkok. I asked myself the same question about a year ago when I first visited this beautiful city. The more time I spent in Bangkok and the more women I dated, the more locations did I find that are suitable for going on dates.

I can promise you that the better the location is that you choose, the more likely it is that she is absolutely fascinated by your choice and doesn’t want to do anything else than ripping your clothes off to have sex with you as soon as you take her home for a late-night drink. Let me share with you my personal top ten Bangkok dating locations.

1. Rooftop Bars

The first date I had with a girl in Bangkok was on one of the many rooftop bars in this city. I have to be honest and tell you that the girl I dated took me there because I had no clue, what this city has to offer. Nevertheless, we had a great time at the Red Sky rooftop bar and drinking a glass of wine while having a view over the whole city led to the desire to continue the rush of positive feelings in the bedroom.

The good thing about those rooftop bars is that there is not only a romantic atmosphere because of the great view, the lighting and the music but it is also a great place to cuddle and to kiss the girl you are with. You can kiss her while looking at the skyline of Bangkok and hide under a blanket if you want to go a few steps further.

2. Floating markets

Floating markets are basically markets, where you can buy mostly food from merchants who are selling their stuff while sitting on a boat. This is not only a big tourist attraction but also a great place to take a girl on a date. By choosing floating markets as a dating location you show that you are interested in the local culture and that you want to get in touch with the culture of the girl you are dating, rather than just sitting next to the pool of your hotel.

In addition to that it is a great place to buy some tasty food that you can cook together when you get home. A relaxed day at one of the floating markets in Bangkok with a subsequent dinner at your place can cause a great connection and feelings of belonging.

3. Museums

At the first glance a museum might sound like the worst dating location that you can possibly think of but when you are in another country, especially a country that has quite a different culture, a museum is a great place for a date.

By visiting a museum with the girl you want to seduce, you show her that you are interested in the history of her country and you give her the possibility to teach you about her homeland. This will make her feel closer to you than talking about the weather and the beaches. At the same time you separate yourself from the masses. She has probably been on many dates in Starbucks but most likely never in a museum.

4. Lumphini Park

The Lumphini Park is one of the best Bangkok dating locations I can think of. In a country that has on average more than 30 degrees Celsius, a picnic in a beautiful park is never wrong. You don’t even have to prepare food because there is delicious food on every street corner that you can buy before you meet with a girl.

You can relax in the park, take a walk or eat, drink and laugh till you end up cuddling and kissing in the grass. In case you want to transform your date into a little fitness session, the Lumphini Park offers an outdoor gym with a lot of equipment you can both try out.

5. The Lake House

The Lake House is one of a few Bangkok dating locations that let you and the girl you are with forget that you are in a big city. Even if this restaurant/bar is in the middle of Bangkok, it is comparable to an own little world in the jungle.

In case you want to have a date that is based on a romantic mood and good conversations instead of a wild night out with drunken sex, you are absolutely right here. Of course the relaxed atmosphere doesn’t mean that you won’t have sex afterwards.

6. Levels Club

Another way of dating is to take the girl you want to seduce to a club. One of the most popular clubs in Bangkok is the Levels Club. I am personally not a big fan of clubs, that’s why I probably wouldn’t take a girl there but you might be someone who loves to go to clubs.

By taking a Thai girl to a club you automatically communicate to her that she is very important to you. Not only because you want to spend your time with her but also because you take her to a venue that was built for getting to know other women, whereupon you resign because of her.

7. Bangkok River Cruise Tour

If you take a girl on a river cruise tour when she is expecting a regular date in a coffee shop, she is already yours as soon as you enter the boat with her. Being on a boat, looking at the bright lights of the city, seducing her with your charm and kissing her while listening to the sound of the river is one of the best ways to make her smile and wet at the same time.

This might be a quite expensive date but I can guarantee you that even if the girl you are with is just 1% interested in you, she will never forget that you took her on such a date. The only thing you have to make sure is that she isn’t seasick.

8. Siam Ocean World

If you want to take a girl out but you are not quite sure how she wants to spend the evening, you can go to Siam Paragon in the centre of Bangkok. This shopping centre has everything the heart could wish for.

Before you go there to enjoy some delicious food and drinks you should take your girl to the Siam Ocean world. This big Aquarium is not only beautiful to look at but it also gives you the possibility to close up on her in a romantic and adventurous surrounding.

9. Buddhist Temples

Even if you are not really interested in the religious culture of Thailand you can use Buddhist temples, such as the Wat Arun or the Wat Benchamabophit, as dating locations. By asking your Thai girl to guide you to the Buddhist temples, shows her that you are interested in getting to know more about her religious background and that you are not one of those tourists who regard everything that is not Christian as terrorism and heathenism.
The last time I was in Bangkok I also visited a few Buddhist temples with a girl and even if you might think that this religious environment is not ideal for creating a sexual tension, it actually increased her respect for me. This eventually led to her being naked as soon as we came back from our temple tour.

10. Royal Dragon

If I would only list a typical restaurant and describe it as one of the best dating locations in Bangkok, it would be quite boring. What if I tell you about the largest restaurant in Bangkok and one of the largest in the world? The Royal Dragon in Bangkok has seats for approximately 5000 people and employs more than 1000 people.

I have been there last year and even if it is the biggest restaurant and the 1000 staff members have to deliver countless meals, the service is very high and the outside facilities are great. If you want to take a girl out to a restaurant, you should definitely choose the Royal Dragon.

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Sebastian is the owner of His vision is to help men to live a life true to themselves and a life in which they can be authentic, honest and confident in the presence of women. He writes articles about foreign dating and seduction in different cultures. His goal is to inspire men all over the world to embrace the art of seduction and to live a life full of unforgettable sexual experiences and adventurous travel.

Posted on Gods of Thailand June 21, 2014 in , ,


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  • Gary Dixey says:

    Dear Seven,

    Just wanted to say thank you sir. I’ve been seriously thinking of visiting Thailand in the next year. I’ve read your articles and posts for the last year now. I find your articles very informative and helpful in my decision to visit this remarkable country.

    Respectfully yours,

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